Would you like to know more about camping? On this page we offer you our exclusive camping ebook and practical info printables in which you will find many useful tips and tricks on the subject of camping and outdoors.
This ebooks and printables are not only useful for roof top tent campers, but also when you are out and about with your ground tent or your mobile home.
great ebooks and practical info content
Camping has been our big hobby for many years. We have learned a lot over the years and would like to offer you our best content here. We offer you practical ebooks with which you can get a detailed insight into the camping lifestyle. You will also find practical info content here.
You will not find the content you find in our ebooks in any blog post. Our ebooks and info conetent have been written and created with a lot of love and expertise.
This products will give you lots of great tips for your next camping trip!
You’ll get the best camping ebook ever created!
Lets Go Camping
- Are you wary about spending a ton of money on another massively expensive family holiday? Are you longing for something different which is not only cheaper but also just as much fun as any holiday vacation could ever be? Would you like to get away from city-life and just see what is really out there in the world of nature and the wilderness? Well, It's no surprise that camping is one of the most popular recreational activities in the world! Every year, millions of people book their camping spots to enjoy an opportunity to experience nature and wildlife. People generally love the outdoors since it's a chance to get away from civilization and also a chance to bond as a family or just have a great time overall. We live on a shrinking planet! World populations continue to grow and put ever-increasing demands on natural resources. Every day cities are expanding their borders and infringing on surrounding farm lands and forests. Every day plants and animals are becoming extinct as a result of the expansion of our modern society. The conservation efforts of governments may be able to preserve many forests and public lands for future generations to enjoy but they can't stop the lines waiting to get into these places from getting unbearably long. Camping requires uncrowded open spaces in order to be appreciated. Consequently, the opportunities for memorable camping experiences are getting fewer and farther between. What better reason to go camping than to enjoy the outdoors and the scenic wonders of nature while we still can? With popular outdoor destinations requiring reservations as much as a year in advance, the feeling of the outdoors is getting lost in the crowds. More and more it's becoming necessary to camp in the off-season or to travel great distances in order to find any peace or solitude. There are many valid reasons for escaping the routines of ordinary life, and camping facilitates that escape for many of us. We all need a return to nature now and then, and we all can benefit with a break from our routines. The thought of sitting around a campfire under a clear sky, gazing up at the stars and listening to the sounds of the night can strengthen our bodies, pacify our minds and restore our spirits. Camping is rejuvenating! Search for your youth and go camping! And, wherever you find peace, stop for a moment and reflect on how blessed you are to be able to live on this marvelous planet that we call campground Earth. Remember to share your love for the outdoors with family and friends and to help pass on some respect for nature to future generations.
- 51 pages
Advanced Camping Checklist
With this complete camping checklist you will never forget anything at home again.
Here we offer you the practical camping checklist with which you have everything under control. With this camping checklist you can no longer forget any important things. This checklist is the most complete camping checklist available. I created this camping checklist based on my many years of camping experience. This checklist works for ground tents, roof top tents, and also motorhomes.- 1 pages
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