, over the years, has grown exponentially to be one of the biggest outdoor gear retailers. The reason for the same is its vast inventory and focus on premium quality products. Not only that, over the years, the company has focused on providing a seamless customer experience to every shopper. All these reasons certainly make it an excellent choice to shop for outdoor gear and equipment.
For those who don’t want to wait that long and want an overview of all the roof tents tested here, we have an overview here. You can simply click on your favorite tent and you will be redirected directly.
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What makes such a good outdoor gear retailer?
REI, as a company, has been around for more than 80 years. Over the past couple of decades, it has focused on its website to deliver premium quality outdoor gear to its customers at their doorstep. It believes in providing premium quality gear to its customers to enjoy their outdoor recreational experience.
The stellar track record of is the reason it is one of the best websites to buy outdoor gear from. Our list below will not only highlight the 11 Best roof top tents but provide you the link through which you can shop from
How can rooftop tents make your life easier?
Rooftop tents can make your life easier when you’re outdoors. They allow you to be up close and personal to nature without having to look for a campsite to erect your tent on. Your automobile can easily turn into a camping spot with roof top tents.
Not only that, the elevation from the ground ensures that you have excellent insulation in a roof top tent. Not only that, you get more privacy as compared to a traditional tent. With all these advantages, there is no reason why you shouldn’t go with roof top tents. When you search for one, you will come across hundreds of options.
To help you choose between these hundreds of options, we have done extensive research for you. After going through the hundreds of rooftop tents, we have compiled a list of the top 11 according to the features, usability, and real-world experience. Once you go through this list, you can save on hours of research and directly buy the best rooftop tents available.

1. [Best value for money] Thule Tepui Explorer Ayer 2 Tent:

The USP of this roof top tent is its great value for money. When you look at the entire package as well as the cost, you will realize that it is one of the most affordable options available. It is the reason that it is on top of our list.
When you dig deeper into the features, it is designed to withstand any element of weather. Whether you want to use it in the rainy season, winters, summer, or snow, you can use it conveniently. It is truly a 4 season rooftop tent. That is why; you won’t have to buy another tent with the season changes.
Apart from that, it consists of an integrated foam mattress. That way, you can sleep comfortably without having to buy any other accessories.
Wondering about the material?
It consists of polyester and cotton blends. The ripstop design means that wear and tear won’t be an issue. Besides that, it is water-resistant as well.
The coating and the design of the fabric are such that it provides you with proper ventilation. That way, you will be comfortable inside the tent even if you spend the entire day inside.
With mesh panels for ventilation, you would not feel claustrophobic at all.
Of course, when you go camping, you will have a lot of equipment as well. It consists of 4 large internal pockets, which allow you to store all of this and more.
The floor dimensions of 84″ x 48″ to make it comfortable for 2 people. Besides that, the welded aluminum tube frame ensures it will not get deformed. That is why the level of protection which it provides is excellent.
With 28 ft. of space and plenty of other features to go with it, you certainly cannot go wrong with this roof top tent.
4 season tent
· Excellent value for money
· Sturdy fabric
· Aluminum pole frame
· Suitable for 2 persons
· Waterproof design
· Excellent ventilation
· Ample storage space available
· Packaging can be better
2. [Best 2 person roof top tent] iKamper Skycamp 2.0 Tent:

During the camping trip, often, you would like to spend some quality time with your partner. If you want to do so, this is one of the best 2 person rooftop tent which you can go with.
One of the main highlights of this tent is that the setup time is under 1 minute. That means you won’t have to worry about getting any additional help. Also, you can single-handedly set it up.
While it is designed for 2 persons but the space inside is for 4 persons. That is why it can be considered one of the most spacious 2 person tents you can find.
The fiber-reinforced hard-shell ensures that durability is not going to be an issue. The double-layer design provides you with insulation from the weather outside. You will not have to worry about condensation or any noise outside. All this while increasing the strength of the tent.
The scratch-resistant coating ensures that you can use this tent for years together without any wear and tear.
In addition to the hard shell, it has a quilted insulation feature that allows you to rest inside the tent without any disturbance.
The stainless steel hard shell lock allows you to gain privacy while in the tent.
The fabric consists of polyester and cotton canvas. It can handle the humidity in an excellent way. Despite that, it provides proper ventilation. In windy conditions, it does not produce much noise either.
The 3000 MM polyurethane coating ensures that even in heavy rains, you will remain dry inside.
The Sky view window on the top allows you to gaze at the stars easily. There are two windows on the side as well. There is a single door to get in and out.
The no-see-um mesh ensures that you will not have to worry about insects.
Not only the fabric but the zippers are also designed in such a way that they can keep the water out.
To climb in and out, you get a telescopic ladder. With a weight limit of 330 lbs, it is suitable for most adults.
You get installation brackets along with it which means that installation is going to be a breeze.
With so many features on offer and a spacious design for two people, you cannot go wrong with this rooftop tent.
· Comes with a ladder
· Spacious design
· Complete weather protection
· Privacy on offer
· Easy to install
· Comes with lock
· Hardshell design
· Bit bulky
3. [Best premium quality roof top tent] Thule Tepui Foothill Tent:

If you do not mind shelling a bit extra for premium quality construction, do consider this tent. The one which we are speaking about now is a 2 person tent which provides you with plenty of space.
The low-profile design means that winds will not cause a problem. The symmetrical design is another reason why its wind resistance is excellent.
You can install it on either side of the vehicle, ensuring that installation and removal are easy. You will need help from an additional individual to do the same.
The telescopic internal frame means that the sturdiness is excellent. Besides that, there is a wide entry door which allows you to get in and out without any worry.
The rear window is panoramic and oversized. There are dual skylights. All these not only allow you to stargaze but also increase the ventilation.
The 600D fabric, which it consists of, can keep water at bay. You can use it in the rainy season due to the same. The fabric is breathable, which further adds to the insulation.
Over the years, the base design of this tent has been upgraded. The advantage of that upgradation is a much more stable tent. The stable tent also is more durable and reliable. That is why, once you buy this tent, you will have complete peace of mind.
You get this tent along with the mounting rails, which ensure that there is an added protection at the bottom as well.
With a floor area of 27.4 ft you can be sure that there is plenty of space available for two individuals.
To further protect you from the rain, it consists of the coated ripstop nylon rain fly. Once you install that, you can enjoy the camping experience in any weather. The 3 season design ensures that you can use it at any time of the year.
Premium quality tents come with their mattresses as well. This one is also the same.
Whichever way you look at it, this tent will not disappoint you.
· Spacious design
· Suitable for two persons
· Low-profile design
· Telescopic internal frame
· Excellent ventilation
· Water-resistant
· Easy to install
· Included mattress can be of better quality
4. [Best water-resistant rooftop tent] Thule Tepui Low-Pro 2 Tent:

With a water resistance rating of 3000 MM, you cannot go wrong with this tent. Such a water resistance rating means that you can use it in the rainy season without any worries.
The high water resistance rating does not mean that it is unusable in other seasons. It can handle mildew and UV rays with equal efficiency. That is why; it is a 3 season tent which you shouldn’t ignore.
The tent is spacious enough for two people. The reason for the same is because of its floor area of 29.2 ft.
The floor fabric consists of thermoplastic honeycomb fiberglass. That is why it is soft on the skin and equally durable.
The wrapped aluminum pole material ensures that the tent will not collapse in windy conditions. It is pretty sturdy.
When it comes to the base, the thermoplastic material adds to the stability and durability. The hundred percent recyclable design means that your carbon footprint is low when using this tent. This is another highlight of the tent. If you want to go with the eco-friendly option, this is probably the best one on the list.
The dome canopy design provides you with the illusion of more space in height. It is also lightweight due to the same.
Along with the tent, you get a patented zipper design. The advantage of the same is, you can easily attach the canopy to the tent or base. That way, in windy conditions, it will remain stable.
The ripstop polyester fabric is the industry standard, and therefore, in terms of fabric, you won’t have any complaints.
Thus, if you often camp in the rainy season, this is the tent which you should get.
· Suitable for 2 people
· Ripstop polyester fabric
· Lightweight design
· Excellent stability
· Can handle any weather
· Installation takes time
5. [Best 3 person roof top tent] Thule Tepui Explorer Kukenam 3 Tent:

Want to camp with your family?
If so, you would need a 3 person tent.
Fortunately, the one which we are highlighting now serves that requirement pretty well.
The 37.3 ft floor area makes it perfect for three individuals.
The fabric which is consists of has 260G polyester and cotton blend. The thickness is 600D. That is why it is ripstop. The combination is water-resistant as well due to the coating on it. That ensures you can use it in any weather. In addition to it being a three-person tent, it is a 4 season tent.
The features of the tent do not end here. It can handle UV rays pretty well. It is also cold-resistant. That way, you are well protected inside the tent irrespective of the weather outside.
There are mesh panels on offer. They add to the ventilation. You won’t feel claustrophobic inside due to these mesh panels.
Of course, more people also mean more equipment. To accommodate the same, it consists of 4 large internal pockets. Using these pockets, you can store gear as well as accessories.
You need not carry your mattress when using this tent. The reason is, it comes along with a high-density foam mattress. The high-density foam mattress provides proper bone joints support and ensures that you get a comfortable night’s sleep. While this might seem like a small feature, it can certainly reduce the amount of stuff you need to carry when camping.
The welded aluminum tube construction makes it lightweight and sturdy at the same time. Even though it consists of just a single door, it is wide enough to get in and out. You won’t have any issues with the door as such.
The 56″ x 48″ x 12″ package size is easy to carry around despite being a three-person tent.
The height of 52 inches does not disappoint either. It is good enough for an average adult to move around as well.
It consists of all the features which you might expect from a 3 person tent. It is the reason why it is on our list.
· 4 season tent
· Suitable for three persons
· Sturdy construction
· High water resistance
· Ample storage space
· Packaging can be better
6. [Best 4 person roof top tent] Thule Tepui Explorer Autana 4 Tent:

Need an even bigger tent?
How about a 4 person tent?
The one which we are highlighting now fulfills that requirement.
It is a perfect tent for the entire family. With a floor area of 49 ft, it can easily sleep 4.
As with any premium quality tent, it also comes along with its mattress. The mattress consists of high-density foam. The high-density foam provides proper support to your body. After a good night’s sleep, you will never feel any back pain or other issues when using that mattress.
The polyester and cotton blend fabric ensures that it can protect you in any weather. The material is UV resistant as well. Besides that, it is also mold-resistant. The thickness of 600 D ensures that wear and tear won’t impact this fabric much. This fabric alone is the reason why it can be considered as a 3 season or even a 4 season tent.
Without proper ventilation, you won’t be able to use any tent for a long time. Fortunately, this one comes with mesh panels. The mesh panels increase the ventilation and also the light which enters the tent. That way, during the daytime as well, you can comfortably remain inside the tent.
The extended canopy entrance provides you with some added privacy. It means that when you want to spend some quiet moments with your partner, you can, of course, do so.
Like with any other big tent, it also has ample storage space. The four large internal pockets allow you to store the gear and other equipment you are bringing along.
The welded aluminum pole material ensures the wind resistance is high. You are pretty secure inside.
The height of 56 inches does not disappoint either. Moving inside the tent is easy.
Thus, if you’re on the lookout for a four-person tent, this one is a pretty strong contender.
· Suitable for four persons
· Welded aluminum construction
· Water-resistant
· Comes with its mattress
· Extended canopy design
· Bit bulky
7. Yakima SkyRise HD 2 Tent:

The easy installation mechanism of this two-person tent certainly makes it a unique option. You won’t need any additional help to install this tent. Also, it comes with tool-free and lockable vehicle mounts. That is why not only is the installation easy but removable as well.
That’s not all!
The 600D ripstop polyester fabric minimizes any wear and tear. Once you get this tent, it is sure to last for years together.
The polyester fabric comes along with a waterproof PU coating with a water resistance rating of 3000 MM. It ensures you can use it in the monsoons easily. In true respect, it is a 4 season tent. That is another advantage of this tent.
In addition to the PU coating, it comes with a ripstop polyester rainfly. It also has a rating of 3000 MM. That way, you have redundancy when it comes to protection from the rain.
Once you get inside this tent, you will notice that it has been efficiently designed. What we mean by that is that the frame is designed so that the interior space is maximized. That is why, if you just compare it based on floor area, you won’t get a true picture. When you look at the frame design, you will understand how it provides you with more space.
Besides that, it has a mesh panel, a large door, and extra-large windows. All these increase the ventilation and make it convenient for you to use this tent.
With the help of a wall-to-wall foam sleeping pad, you won’t need to bring your sleeping pads or mattress. The 2.5-inch thickness ensures that the level of insulation that you get from the roof rack is excellent. That way, you can keep the weather at bay while sleeping.
To stabilize it in windy conditions, you get guidelines as well as the rings. Those stabilize the tent quickly.
The floor design is such that it is abrasion-resistant. While being abrasion-resistant, it does not compromise on the finishing. It not only looks great but is quite durable.
To get in and out of the tent, you get a ladder as well. The ladder is easily adjustable, which further adds to the convenience.
Wondering about the frame?
It consists of an aluminum frame. The reason for the aluminum material is because it is lightweight without compromising on the sturdiness of the tent.
The floor area of 28 ft is more than enough for two individuals. The peak height of 42 inches allows you to move inside quite easily.
The 4 season design, along with the numerous other features, makes it a good choice.
· Weather-resistant
· Suitable for two persons
· Premium construction quality
· High wind resistance
· Aluminum frame
· The area could have been a bit higher
8. [Best rooftop tent for star gazing] Thule Tepui Ruggedized Autana 3 Tent:

Of the main fun-filled activities during camping, the most attractive is to gaze at the stars at night. If your idea of camping is also the same, this tent can serve you well.
It is a three-person tent and can sleep quite easily. That is why you can enjoy the stargazing experience along with your family.
The 360g stitched fabric ensures that you won’t have to worry about any tear-off. The base consists of a diamond plate which further adds to the durability.
Wondering about the stargazing experience?
It consists of 2 built-in Sky panels for the same. During the daytime, they let plenty of light in. At night, you will get a full view of the sky. That is why; all three persons will be able to stargaze quite easily.
The inbuilt sky panels do not mean that the integrity is on the lower side. It consists of a welded aluminum frame. The aluminum material can keep it in its place in windy conditions as well. Not only that, the internal frame is fully wrapped. That is why, even if you contact that, you won’t feel any pain or ice-cold metal. The wrapped design also adds to its durability.
When you observe the entrance, it consists of an extended canopy entrance. Such an entrance provides you with more privacy.
The floor area of 48 ft approximately ensures that it has enough space for even four people. Add to that the peak height of 52 inches, and you can comfortably move around in the tent.
A unique feature of this tent, however, is the anti-condensation mat which it comes along with. When you use it along with the mattress included, you won’t have to worry about humidity at all.
The extra-large pockets on the inner side allow you to store any gear.
All in all, it is a tent which three persons can use easily for three seasons. Considering these factors, it is one of the best stargazing tents which you can go with.
· Perfect for stargazing
· Heavy-duty aluminum frame
· Suitable for three persons
· Added privacy on offer
· Ample storage space
· Bulky than others
9. Thule Tepui Explorer Autana 3 Tent:

The next option on our list is once again a tent which can house 3. The ventilation features of this tent certainly help it stand out. Even with three people, it is pretty spacious.
The high-density foam mattress which it comes with ensures that you will get a comfortable sleep always. There is no need to carry any other bulky mattresses with you.
Without taking a look at the fabric, choosing a tent is a mistake. Fortunately, this one consists of 600D polyester and cotton blend. That is why it can handle water and UV rays. It can keep mold at bay as well.
The reason why this tent offers such excellent ventilation is because of the mesh panels. During the daytime, they do not only let the air in but also the light. That is why spending time in your tent is undoubtedly possible and comfortable.
The extent canopy entrance provides you with additional privacy.
For three people, you would, of course, need a high amount of storage space. It consists of 4 large internal pockets, which ensure that keeping your accessories nearby is undoubtedly easy.
With such construction, you can probably end up using it all around the year.
The peak height of 52 inches and floor area of approximately 48 ft. means that you won’t feel cramped even with three people inside.
When coupled with polyester and cotton blend, the welded aluminum construction increases the life span of the tent beyond the usual tents.
Thus, if you’re looking for a durable tent perfect for three persons, you should consider this one.
· Can be used all year round
· Ample space
· Welded aluminum construction
· High ventilation
· Weather-resistant
· Limited installation instructions
10. iKamper Skycamp Mini Tent:

Many times in rooftop tents, the bigger is not always better. Especially if you just camp with your partner, 2 person tent is more than enough. However, you need a dependable one.
If your requirements are the same, this mini tent we are highlighting now is a great choice.
Firstly, it is a 4 season tent. That is why you will be able to use it irrespective of the weather outside. The reason for its weather resistance is the hard shell. The shell is fiber-reinforced. That can keep sound as well as the weather at bay.
The quilted insulation design means that you won’t have to worry about the harsh weather outside. The quilted design also reduces condensation. Besides that, from the inner side, the quilted insulation features a world map. That is why it is not monotonous or boring either.
You get stainless steel locks that allow you to lock the tent and gain complete privacy from the inner side.
Besides the hard-shell, it comes with a 3000 MM polyurethane coating on the rain fly. That is why; there is redundancy when it comes to protection from the rain.
The Sky view ensures that if you want to use it for stargazing, you can do so. For ventilation, you get two side windows as well.
The 1-minute setup ensures that you can single-handedly set it up. You won’t even need to call your partner to install this tent. The same is true for dismantling the tent and packing it up.
When it comes to the fabric, it consists of polyester and cotton Canvas. The fabric further adds to the weather resistance which it has on offer.
The No-See-um mesh on offer allows you to gain privacy and keep the insects at bay. That way, you will not have to carry additional accessories to eliminate the insects when you’re camping.
Not only the fabric but also the zippers are designed in such a way that they can keep the water at bay.
The two person tent has two interior pockets for keeping the gear.
The ladder can support 330 lbs which means that getting in and out of the tent is easy.
You get necessary installation accessories which is why it requires one minute to install.
With an area of 28 ft and all these features, it is undoubtedly one of the best mini tents you can go with.
· Suitable for use throughout the year
· Ample storage space
· Excellent weather protection
· Easy to install
· Comes with a telescopic ladder
· Finishing can be better
11. Thule Tepui Ruggedized Kukenam 3 Tent:

Some tents are built sturdy. They can handle anything which you throw at them. If you often go offroading, you need such tents.
The tent we are highlighting now fulfills these requirements. It is perfect for three persons. The reason it can house 3 is because of its floor area of approximately 38 ft. The peak height of 52 inches allows you to move inside the tent with ease.
The diamond plate base ensures that even in windy conditions, it will remain in its place. You won’t have to worry about its wind resistance at all.
The combination of 360G Canvas and 600 D ripstop fabric means that construction quality will not be an issue. It has a water-resistant coating as well, which can further help you keep the water at bay.
In case you are facing heavy humidity, the anti-condensation mat it comes along with will help you out. That can keep the water at bay from the mattress included.
The internal frame is wrapped, which not only makes it aesthetically pleasing but long-lasting in design. The welded aluminum construction makes it lightweight yet sturdy.
There are anchor points for the gear as well. To store your gear, you get two extra-large internal pockets. It is a welcome addition. Most other tents just consist of interior pockets.
For stargazing, you get two built-in Sky panels. These allow you to enjoy the mesmerizing night sky.
The extra storage space it provides compared to the other three-person tents certainly helps it stand out.
· Offers Sky panels
· Large storage space
· Extremely stable
· Suitable for 3 persons
· Installation takes time
That’s not all!
We understand that you might or might not have used a roof top tent before. That is why; we will answer some of the most obvious questions about such tents below.
Which vehicles are roof top tents suitable for?
The best thing about roof top tents is that they are compatible with SUVs, trucks, and jeeps. The universal compatibility with most vehicles ensures that you won’t have to worry about compatibility issues.
To be double sure, you can look at the installation accessories that come along with the roof top tents. Once you go through them, it is easy to understand whether they will be compatible with your vehicle or not.
Is it more complicated to install a rooftop tent?
No, installing a roof top tent is not complicated.
The reason for the same is because of the installation accessories which come along with the tents. In most cases, you will get the mounting bracket or a railing bar. With either of these, attaching it to the roof rack on top of your car is easy.
Additionally, these tents come with their manuals. The manuals let you know right away the steps you have to follow. Rather than going through plenty of steps, you can install it in under ten steps. In most cases, you do not need any additional help as well.
All in all, installing a roof top tent is certainly not complicated.
What else is needed to assemble a roof top tent?
In addition to the accessories which come along with such tents, you will need a roof rack. The roof top tents are mounted on the roof rack. That is why; having a roof rack is a must. If you do not have one, it is time to buy a roof rack and get it installed before purchasing a roof top tent.
As long as you’re buying a tent with accessories, you need not buy anything else. The accessories required are mounting brackets or rack railings. If the tent comes with either of these, you won’t need anything else.
What do you have to say about caring for the roof top tents?
The basic steps which you can undertake to care for your rooftop tent include:
- You have to ensure that you clean the bedding and the mattress inside almost every day when in use. That will help you eliminate dirt, debris, and pests, if any.
- When not in use, you can dismantle the rooftop tent.
- Driving around your SUV while the rooftop tent is erect is not a good idea. While it might have an aerodynamic design, it will suffer from more wear and tear, reducing its lifespan.
- You have to always follow the installation instructions of the tent manufacturing company rather than going with any makeshift method. That will reduce wear and tear.
- You should always stick to the weight carrying capacity of the rooftop tent to avoid extensive wear and tear.
- When the tent is not in use, you have to store it in a proper storage case and not leave it exposed to weather elements.
With these few simple tips, you will be able to maintain your rooftop tent in a much better way and use it for years together.
Final words:
If you genuinely want to enjoy your outdoor experience, these roof top tents can help you with that. Rather than spending hours comparing the numerous rooftop tents available, it is a good idea to shortlist among the top 11 highlighted above and click on the accompanying link to buy a rooftop tent that meets all your requirements. With our careful compilation, you can be sure that only the best roof top tents have made it to this list.