emergency situation

Emergency Evacuation Plan

The circumstances and situations across the globe have been volatile to a certain extent lately. Global warming has increased the occurrence rates of calamities including floods, as the melting ice has increased the water in the seas. If we also look at the political situations and developments across the world, we find that terrorism has become a profound threat lately. Countries, especially in the Middle East and some other regions of the globe have been deeply affected and other developed nations including the USA have also been affected. Terrorist attacks and acts of violence have also increased in number. September 2011 (9/11) attack was one of the most gruesome yet well-planned terrorist attacks of the present century.

The Emergency and Disaster Situations

The threat to mankind has increased and come from many different quarters now. Individuals, families, and people should be ready for emergency situations now more than ever before. The clock ticks faster than usual during the emergency moments and every second and minute become critical.


Planning ahead of time and ensuring that we have all the necessary resources and training for emerging as a winner during an emergency situation may ensure success during the threat and disaster times. Some of the conditions, circumstances, and situations that may require an emergency evacuation may include:

  • Floods
  • Earthquake
  • Cloud bursts
  • Hailstorms
  • Landslides
  • Fire
  • War
  • Terrorist attack

Arranging the Evacuation Ahead of Time

Threats posed to individuals, people, societies, and communities are common nowadays. One should identify the places where he or she can go (with the family and pets) in case a threat realizes, and an evacuation is needed. These places can be a family member’s home in some other town or the home of a friend. It can also be shelters like forests or hotels. The location options that one may have may depend on the circumstances. For instance, in some cases, a person may have to move away from a locality. In some other cases, he or she may have to move to some other city or region. For a good plan, it is important to identify all kinds of locations (within and outside the city) to ensure that a viable option is present in all kinds of emergency evacuations and circumstances.


Locating the Alternative Routes Beforehand

Alternative routes of evacuation should be identified right from the inhabited rooms and buildings. One may also have to evaluate the possibility of the roads becoming impassable or blocked. The best plan is the one that may identify all the risks and has solutions to them. Fortunately, technology is one aid that is available at a low cost nowadays. For instance, the GPS map and the handheld devices (like smartphones) may be used to find out the details of an area at any point in time.

If family members live separately, a designated place should also be prearranged where they can gather. The action and evacuation plan should be prepared in writing, with all the necessary contact details (including phone numbers and addresses).


The Emergency Evacuation Backpacks

An emergency and evacuation backpack can be a boon in disguise during a disaster situation. Emergency backpacks should always be ready with you. They should include the critical and important items that may also be a life-saver during an emergency situation and time. Some of the important items that should be there in an emergency and evacuation backpack include:

  • Common and prescription medications: if you or any other member of the family is on certain prescription medications for a chronic illness, ensure that they are kept in the emergency and evacuation backpack as well. You may also want to include common medications like paracetamol and Ibuprofen among others, for treating common medical conditions such as fever and pains. Keep checking the expiry date of these medications from time to time and ensure that the emergency backpack has the medications that are fit for use at any time.
  • First aid kit: some of the important and basic items of a first aid kit include the sterile gauze dressings, plasters, crepe rolled bandages, triangular bandages, tweezers, sterile gloves, safety pins, cleaning wipes (alcohol-free), digital thermometer, and creams including the antiseptic skin rash. You would like to keep the distilled water (for cleaning any wounds), the antihistamine tablets/creams, creams for the insect stings and bites, painkillers, sticky tapes, scissors, and eyewashes. A first-aid instruction booklet or a manual can be handy and may provide for an error-free accomplishment of the care tasks.
  • Beddings and clothing: you may also need to keep the clothing and beddings, depending on the type of threat and the options you have for dislocation. Again, you need to keep in mind that you may have to dislocate in the most unthought-of places during an emergency. For instance, you may need to keep the mosquito nets, beddings, and pillows if you might have to move to a forest for some time.
  • Other items: certain other items should also be placed in the evacuation and emergency backpack. Include the flashlights, a radio, and some extra batteries. Certain comfort toys should be put in the bag if there are kids in the family. Special equipment may be needed for the disabled and elderly family members. If there are pets, you may also need pet-related items including pet food, leashes, and litter boxes. If it is suitable, you may like to keep your laptop and the computer hard drives as well.

Prefer the Ready-Made EDC Backpacks

An EDC (every-day-carry) backpack can carry almost everything a person may require for fulfilling his/her everyday needs. These backpacks are comfortable to carry, sturdy, and durable. The benefits of an EDC backpack include:

  • Voluminous and spacious interiors so that you can easily carry a large number of items without any hassle.
  • Multiple pockets and compartments so that you can keep and carry your items in a well-categorized way. The backpacks can provide for easy organization and hassle-free movement and dis-location.
  • High strength and durability. The EDC backpacks can withstand all kinds of weather and extreme circumstances with ease. Their strong stitching and high-quality material built can ensure that you can carry good amounts of loads and weight as well without being anxious about breakage and tearing.
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A readymade EDC backpack not only serves your needs during your everyday life but is a handy and necessary item and luggage that you may need during an emergency evacuation as well. You can use the EDC backpack to carry your laptop, medicines, first-aid kit, flashlight, some clothes, and many other kinds of items and materials during an emergency evacuation.


Camping and Hunting

Cities are becoming increasingly unsafe. The residential and other buildings and urban regions may be hit by an earthquake, flood, and other natural calamities. There is also a threat of manmade calamities, and these may include terrorist attacks and war among others. In such cases, it may not always be possible to flee to another adjoining or distant city. The usual modes of conveyance and travel and transport including trains, flights, cars (and highways), and ships among others may not be available in certain emergency situations. The only option that may remain in such a situation would be to escape to the nearby mountains or the forest.

The Pre-requisites for Forest/Mountain Camping

Living and camping in a forest/mountain, even for a short duration, can be a very different experience when compared to living in well-furnished apartments and homes. Fortunately many online and offline retailers sell highly useful items that can be used for camping in the hills and forests. These items should also be included in the evacuation luggage and backpacks, and may include:

  • Tents: a broad variety of camping tents are available today. These may include the highly complex and the four-bedroom apartment type and style camping tents, as well as the smaller and the quick-pitch 2-person tents. The materials of these tents may also vary and make them suitable to be a living space even in the more extreme temperatures. Therefore, you can buy a tent for the cold climates as well as the temperate zones. Apart from the material, the size of the tent is also important and should be considered following the number of people in the family.
  • Sleeping Bag and Sleeping Mat: the sleeping mats available online and offline can hold onto temperature. They preserve whatever temperature the item within them has. However, you should choose a sleeping bag that has a temperature rating a bit lower than the expected temperature at the camp. The sleeping mat should be made of foam or any other suitable material, as the ground surface on the mountains and the forests can be quite hard, cold, and bumpy. The mats may provide for a good and sound sleep even in the most adverse terrains, including those found in the forest and the mountains.
  • Camping Chairs: simple folding chairs that do not contain the backrest may be ideal as they are almost weightless and can be easily carried. There are pricier options available as well. The versatile and contemporary chairs also offer many new features. For instance, your camping chair can hold your bottles and books and also provide ample back support.
  • Trash Bags: it is always better not to litter the surrounding. For this purpose, you can also put some trash bags in your bag. These can be the bags in which you can gather all the trash and dispose of safely into the trash can. These trash bags help you keep the surroundings clean and tidy and also benefit the environment.
  • Hunting Gear and Equipment: an extended stay in the forest may require that you also hunt for the food you need. However, hunting can always be a highly rewarding and exciting experience. Some of the important hunting gear and equipment include:
  • Binoculars
  • Rifle with the scope
  • Ammunition and the ammunition case
  • GPS
  • Hunting gloves
  • Knife and knife sharpener
  • The puncture-resistant inner and outer layers of clothing

However, the equipment and tools may not be enough. To perform the best, you need to have some shooting and hunting skills. Fortunately, you can learn shooting beforehand by joining any of the shooting ranges and clubs in your vicinity and neighborhood. Did you know that the “National Hunting and Shooting Day” is celebrated in the USA every 25th of September!


Cooking in the Forest and the Mountain Camps

You may have to prepare your own food and that too in the forests when there is an evacuation and you escape to these regions. It is always better to know the basics of cooking so that you have some experience at hand when you are trying to cook your food in a forest camp. Cooking in a forest may follow the old-fashioned and traditional path. New technological gadgets including microwaves are not available in the forests. Most of the job and the culinary activities have to be done manually only. In a camp and a forest, you may also require more patience and time, and some creativity. Some important items that you should have for cooking in a forest include:

  • Lighter fluid and the matches for an easy and quick fire.
  • Wood can be used as a fuel for cooking and it is present in abundance in the forests. However, you may need a strong ax to cut the wood from the trees.
  • Lightweight and medium-sized pots, pans, and other kinds of utensils.
  • Aluminum foils keep the food covered by flies, insects, and other kinds of organisms.
  • A portable grate has to be placed over the fire pit.
  • A person may require up to 1 gallon of water every day. For an emergency evacuation and dislocation, at least three days of water supplies are recommended.
  • Durable and reliable utensils including spoons, sharp knives, and other kinds of utensils that you may use in daily cooking.

You should have some food supplies available to you in case there is a need for emergency evacuation and dislocation. Many of the food items are nowadays available in a preserved form and can be kept for a long time without any threat of spoilage. Ensure that the food items have been kept in pest-proof packages.


Remember that when out in a forest you may also have to consume the locally available items. If the stay and camp are for an extended duration, you may have to find the food as well before cooking it. It may be the first time that you might indulge in hunting in a forest! All kinds of meat can be cooked on the basic fire, bonfires, or fire pits. However, do not consume anything you do not know about.

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Some other items that you may like to place in your bag when you aim at camping in the forest include first-aid kits, hats, sunglasses, water bottles, and trekking shoes. Glasses and hats will offer you protection from the sun rays, while the trekking shoes will enable you to walk easily on the rough terrain, the uneven surfaces, and the rocks. Mosquito repellent cream, sunscreen, and first-aid kits are also needed for protection. First aid may help you deal easily with cuts, scrapes, and blisters.


Certain Important Tips for Camping

Tools and equipment aside, there are also certain important tips and advisories that you should be aware of when you contemplate camping in a forest.

Traveling with a companion- if possible, do not try to camp in a forest or the unknown mountain terrains and areas without a companion.

Make sure to be in a healthy physical condition- ensure that you exercise daily and consume a balanced diet, which will help you have good health, and a sound physical and mental condition at any point in time. Your fitness may be quite important when you are going through extreme and adverse circumstances.

Know about the weather conditions- you can try to know more about the weather conditions that prevail in the regions close to you. The knowledge and information will help you make more informed and good decisions even in extreme and dangerous circumstances.

Learn basic first aid- learning the basic first aid helps you rescue yourself or any other companion or family member when there is no professional healthcare available. There are many first-aid courses provided by community health centers, and even by colleges, universities, and other educational centers. Learn more about how to provide basic treatment for conditions like hypothermia, heatstroke, dehydration, and others. The knowledge and skill may help you overcome the adversities better when there is no immediate help available.

Be alert- it is important to be on alert at all times when you are not aware of where you are or do now know about the region close to you. Forests and mountains may have many dangerous surprises in store for you as well. From the slippery surfaces to the carnivorous animals, a danger may come from any place and corner when you are in a forest.


Your Communication Plan during an Emergency Evacuation

The common cellular or landline communication services may not be available during an emergency or disaster situation. Therefore it is important to have a communication plan beforehand, in case such circumstances occur. Family members should be communicated the necessary steps they should take to get in touch with each other in case an emergency situation occurs. During the evacuation and emergency situations, the public and administration officials may disseminate some information through channels including social media, news media, as well as alert broadcasts that may be relayed on smartphones. Such information can be of critical importance during an emergency situation and you should get hold of it to take the necessary steps and to emerge as a winner. Below is a list of the important communication methods and mediums available in a disaster setting.

Social media: social media networking websites and applications may offer different kinds of communication methods that may be useful during an emergency and disaster setting. For instance, Facebook has the “safety check” feature that allows people located within a certain distance to communicate with each other. This feature can be used to inform friends or family members about the accurate location and health condition of a person, and whether one is safe or not. Google also has the “crisis response feature” that can be used to obtain assistance, or by the emergency responders as well. Google applications including Google Sites, Google Earth, Docs, Crisis Maps, Person Finder, and Public Alerts can all be useful during an emergency situation.

Satellite phones: the satellite phones (or the satphones) do not come cheap but may help you communicate even when you are in the remotest of territories. Satellite phones today can offer coverage throughout the world as they communicate directly through the satellites that orbit the earth.

Cell phones: during an emergency situation and a disaster, a mobile communication network may easily and quickly become overloaded. There is an unexpected surge that may occur due to a massive increase in the user base. However, other modes including emails and text messaging can be used for communications and should not be forgotten, especially during a disaster situation. When you cannot call a person directly, it is better to send an email or text message.

Mobile applications: there are many apps (some available for free) that can be used during an emergency situation. For instance, the Life360 app available on the Google Play Store offers a messaging service and the capability to provide the location of any user. Another app by the name FEMA provides certain emergency preparedness tips like an emergency checklist, survival advice, and others. It can also save the meeting locations.

Landline telephones: landline phones may also be used in cases when the internet is down or the servers are not working. Depending on the circumstances, the location, and the evacuation, you may use a landline telephone as well if it is available.

Amateur radio (for instance the HAM Radio): the product is available to the users who are licensed Amateur Radio Operators in America.

Citizens Band Radio (the CB Radio): it can provide for short-distance communications, which may run on different frequencies. The radio can provide better functionality and features when compared to amateur radios, and is available for both personal and business use.

Two-way radio: two-way radios are also called walkie-talkies. They can provide for communication between two people, who may be some distance apart. The walking-talkies can be a highly reliable, affordable, and useful companion for communication. They can be used for establishing contact in cases when cell phones and other kinds of communication devices and channels are not working.

Police Scanner: the device and the product can help a person hear all communication is carried out in the military, respondent, fire, rescue, police, and aircraft industries and departments. While a user cannot broadcast any communication or information through a police scanner, it can be quite handy in obtaining critical and useful information during emergency situations.

The Best Tactical Weapons for Self-Defense

The possibility of a close confrontation with a terrorist or an enemy cannot be denied during emergency and evacuation situations. Good physical health and fitness will help you overcome adversities rather easily. You may also like to get trained in certain self-defense sports. These activities may include sports including boxing, taekwondo, martial arts, judo, and other similar sports.

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However, the importance of a tactical self-defense weapon is immense and can be a critical factor having a direct impact on the outcome of a grave and dangerous situation. More and more people across the world are realizing the importance of guns for home and self-defense. Consequently, the sale of tactical and smaller weapons and firearms is increasing.

Finding the right gun for defending oneself and the family members may be a daunting task for someone who is entirely new to it. Some of the good weapons of self-defense may include:

  • 9 mm handgun.
  • A Rifle that may help you shoot across longer distances.

During an evacuation situation, you may need both, a smaller firearm (9 mm handgun), and a rifle as well. The ammunition and bullet from a 9 mm handgun and a pistol may not go beyond the person who is fired at. Hence there is no threat of hurting a person who is standing behind him. However, a bullet fired from a rifle may carry more force. The rifle (with a scope) can be a useful weapon if you are out in the forest and need to hunt animals over long distances. With a rifle, you do not need to get closer to an animal for killing it and for procuring your food. For more information on self-defense guns for home, check the article here.

Versatile guns: there are also available the more versatile and the do-it-all guns. These guns can be a good aid for reasons including survival, hunting, and self-defense. Some examples of the versatile guns available in the market include:

  • Remington 870 (12 gauge)
  • Mossberg 500 (12 gauge)
  • Sig Sauer M400
  • Marlin 336
  • Marlin 1894 CST 357

However, a gun should always be stored, carried, and used responsibly. One should ensure the appropriateness of the target before firing a shot. The hits and wounds made by guns may result in fatality and death.

Protecting Your House/Property

Protecting your valuable home or property during an emergency and disaster may be a daunting task. Below are certain tips that will help you better protect your house when an emergency situation occurs.

Care for the outdoor lights- it is always better to actually see the danger than not be aware of it. Your outdoor lighting system may help you find out the problematic occurrences, which will consequently help you to find out a solution. Ensure that the outdoor lights are always kept in good shape and work effectively. For instance, the lights may help you find out the exact number of animals or intruders in case of a home invasion.

Regularly inspect the safety of the home- carry out the important home maintenance chores from time to time to ensure that every component, system, and brick is working fine in case an external threat occurs. Damaged home walls and bricks may not take the impact of natural and other calamities. However, a strong home will always prove to be a better fortress. Do not delay the home repair works and ensure that every system is working fine at all times. Inspection of the alarms and the detectors should also be carried out regularly. A faulty fire or smoke alarm will delay your response to the fire and maybe cause immense damage.

Invest in a reliable home security system- the new home security systems also include CCTVs and other kinds of cameras and alarms, and also a range of security features and measures. Reliable home security services are also available in many communities. Consider these security options as well as they may prove to be of huge importance during emergency times.

Keep a stock of inventories: food, water, medical and other supplies, and important items should be held and stored at all times in requisite amounts. If an emergency requires that you stay put in the house for a long time interval, the inventory will help you overcome the situation and ensure that you are comfortable even amidst the adversities.

Facing Extreme Weather and Temperature Variations

Extreme weather conditions may include floods, heat waves, and other kinds of natural calamities and conditions. Such conditions are even more common in the aftermath of global warming. You should also have a proactive plan for dealing with these conditions. Every geography has its own environmental characteristics and risks. You may first familiarize yourself with these risks to face them better when they occur. Below is a list of certain extreme weather conditions and tips to handle them.

Extreme cold, snow, and sleet: you must have clothes and dresses that can keep you dry and warm and limit the exposure of the body to cold conditions. It is good to have fireplaces or space heaters that can provide warmth not only to the body but to the interiors as well. If you are venturing outside, look for signs of medical conditions including hypothermia. Symptoms may include drowsiness, incoherence, disorientation, shivering, and a weak pulse. Also check for signs such as numbness, discoloration of the skin, and frostbites.

Thunder and Lightning: do not be close to isolated and tall trees if you are outside and lightning occurs. Stay away from the exterior 3indows of the house if you are inside it. Look for shelter in case thunder and lightning are occurring, and do not use electricity if you are inside a building.

Tornadoes: to begin with, you should practice the tornado drills at home to possess the skills needed to overcome the situation. All diseased and dead trees should be removed from near the houses and buildings. If you are traveling in a car or automobile, try to reach a safe shelter as soon as possible. If inside the building, do not use the heaters or the gas-powered generators when you are facing a tornado. Also, check for any downed power lines.

Heat Waves: avoid direct sunshine and postpone all kinds of outdoor activities if there are severe heat waves occurring in your area. You must also try to stay hydrated during the weather condition. Refrain from consuming drinks like caffeinated beverages, energy drinks, sugary drinks, and alcohol as they may cause dehydration. If you are still inside the building or home, you can use the air conditioners or coolers for controlling the temperature.



An emergency evacuation may be required in a wide variety of conditions and disaster-ridden situations. However, a well-prepared and practiced emergency evacuation plan can be the difference between life and death. It may help you 9and your loved ones) survive and overcome the situation and the threat rather easily. You do require resources, tools, equipment, skills, and the requisite training to be a winner and to carry out your emergency evacuation plan with precision and excellence. You may also practice carrying out certain drills and ensure that you have some experience in dealing with these adverse situations.